Friday, July 8, 2011

Why do kids grow so fast?

Today we had Scarlet's 6 month well baby check-up and Cas' 4 year old check up. Scarlet weighted in at a sweet average of 15lbs 10 oz while Cas weighted in at a whoppin 39 1/2 lbs.  She is like my bear cub:  big, brown and furry. It left me pondering why do kids grow so fast?

It seems to me that it is God's joke on us. Our infants grow at an astounding rate where as it seems like they are 2 and 3 years old for 5 years. So was this Gods clever plan so that we will continue to procreate? Every woman looks at a newborn and oohhs and aahhs over it and 99% of the time says " oh I miss that age".  95% of the time they are saying this with a whiny 3 year old pulling on their pant leg.  I am thinking: Oh ya lady I feel your pain.

It seems to be that they are newborns for such a short amount of time but could we really survive having a newborn if they stayed newborn for much longer than 30 days? Ya they are cute but we often forget that they go through 8-1000 diapers /day. They nurse every 2 hours even through the night and its is a flat out lie that "sleeping like a baby" is anything close to resembling real sleep. So the first year of a baby's life most mothers would walk around like a complete zombie due to sleep deprivation. Our poor husbands would be sad sad people "honey? (sad face) can we please spend some time together (more sad face with a little bottom lip)?"  Us moms would be like " uh, sure I can pencil you in around 2pm on Thursday the 21st in between my nap and a feeding".  As of now we spend approximately 4 months in this mode.  

So yes babies are cute and sweet and lots of work, Gods design was perfect when deciding how fast our kids grow. I am still trying to figure out why they stay 3 for so long though. In my family 4 is on the horizon and life seems to get a bit easier when your child turns 4.  I try to forget that after the joy of 4, there is 9, 10, 11, on so forth. In the meantime, I am praising the lord for giving the Doctors the know-how to invent tubal ligations!

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