Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The beginning

A little about myself. I am 30 years old, married for 5 1/2 years to a wonderful man, have 3 kids (all girls) and am a terribly bad speller. Did I mention I also work as a Registered Nurse. So I guess I am just crazy busy or just crazy.

Today I was thinking how neat it would be to share a little bit about how I manage  and also some of the funny, sad, interesting things that happen in my life.

My girls: Brayden is 9, Castilleja is 3.9 (her birthday is in 16 days), and Scarlet is 6 months. These girls are my pride and joy but wow, no one ever told me it would be this hard to be mom. My husband is in law enforcement and works all, I mean all, the time. So you mix that with me working and it is Gods miracle that we have a happy healthy marriage.

Speaking of God, I am a new Christian, since March of this year. So I am learning to incorporate that into my parenting, marriage and lifestyle. I have a wonderful church I go to and a great support system that helps me to grow into a better Christian everyday.

I work night shift at the hospital so I lack sleep on a regular basis, so drivers in Wyoming WATCH OUT! Just kidding but it is not a lifestyle I would like to continue forever. I have done this for 5 years and I feel like I have hit a brick wall physically. Maybe my age?

Other labels that may fit me are:
Breastfeeding mom
Medium complexion
Mother of one blonde child, one dark haired, dark eyed and dark skinned child and then one in-betweener.
Ob nurse
Delivered 7 babies by myself (not on purpose)
Have a huge extended family
Had a one legged stalker in my lifetime
Had a teenage pregnancy that I placed that child for adoption
Lived in Oregon for 3.5 years
Never went on a date till my husband
Love clothes but never get to buy any
Have tons of shoes and always say I will wear them but still only wear the same 3 pairs
Hate those big purses (its like carrying around a diaper bag)
Hate those big sunglasses
Liked the 80's in the 80's but when I saw a dude walking around totally dressed in 80s gear, realized that I no longer ever want the 80's dress fads to come back into style.
Love music
Play the guitar
Sing in a band sometimes
Learning to enjoy running and exercising
Am totally addicted to Coke O' Cola, not the diet kind either
Has a child with ADHD
Has a child with tons of mosquito bites
Sleep in a full size bed but every night when the baby is in there, wish it was a queen or king size

So that's me in a nutshell!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, one of those babies better have been on purpose!:)
