So we are moving...again. We have moved every year for the last 5 years. You would think that by now we would be moving pros but according to my friend, Warren, we still suck at it. Thank You Warren for still committing to helping us yet again.
My husband got a promotion. As of Dec. 1st he will be a District Game Warden. So off we go to a new town, new job, new house, new schools/daycares for the girls, and everything else that goes along with turning your life upside down.
I am really excited though. This is what my husband has been working towards. I have my career and now he will have his. There are a lot of blessings when it comes to timing of our move. We got my oldest daughter all squared away on her ADHD medication. We finally found a medication, Vyvanse, that has minimal side effects and really works well for her. My current yet brand new job, knew that moving was a possibility for us and was ok with that. I have some family in and close by to the town we are moving to. I heard that there is a biker church in the town we are moving to and that is right up my alley, I think. I get to get a new washer and dryer and that is pretty awesome when you have 3 kids. So really I am praising God for all he is doing in our lives.
Every time we have moved I have stressed out so much. I tried to plan for every single detail, every single glitch, every single possibility. Yet nothing works out the way I planned but it works out and usually it works out better. So this time is different. I am handing all control over to God. I am not going to worry about the details that are out of my control. I am going to worry about today instead of worrying if I am going to have a job when I move or if I will find daycare. I am praising the lord (and the State of Wyo) for providing us with a house that has more than 1 bathroom, a yard, 3 bedrooms and a chicken coop. To my friend Warren, this doesn't mean that I am slacking on the packing though.
So even though there is a really big part of me that wants to freak out! I remind myself that God is by my side and is helping us to stay on the right path as a family. My 4 year old was singing at the top of her lungs this morning "How great is our God! Sing with me! How Great, How Great, is our God!" and I thought amen sista!
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